
1 t0 1 Sessions

The one to one session is a chance for you to hvae individual and personal sessions just for you and your baby. It could be you would prefer to learn massage or the Tummy Time techniques in the comfort of your own home, or be welcome into Evelyns home to get some practice in getting out and about with your baby. Both settings will offer you privacy, security, and comfort.

You may wish to learn as a couple of perhaps you wish to have select times that fit in with you.

The infant massage course will be taught over 4 sessions lasting approximately 60 minutes each. You will recieve a bottle of oil and all handouts included with the course.

The Tummy Time Techniques Workshop will be delivered in one session of approximately 60 minutes. You will recieve the accompanying factsheets.

Meet up and Massage

If you have an established group of friends who all have babies of a similar age - perhaps an NCT group, you may be interested in Meet  up and Massage. Evelyn can come to you and enhance your time together as a group.

Evelyn can rotate with you if you take it in turns to host. Alternatively, you can all come together and recieve a warm welcome at Evelyns home.

The Tummy Time Techniques workshop is also available under the meet up and massage.

The Infant massage course will be taught over 5 sessions lasting approximately 60-90 minutes. You will recieve a bottle of oil and all handouts included with the course. Refreshments are included at my home.

The Tummy Time Techniques Workshop will be delivered in one session of approximately 60 minutes. You will recieve the accompanying factsheets.

Dad's Masterclass

Research has shown that it takes fathers at least 6 months to gain a secure bond with their baby.

Here at Levana Infant Massage, Evelyn understands the importance of fathers in the role of primary carers. It can be all too easy for them to be forgotten or brushed aside in favour of a mother and baby.

This is why Evelyn has put together a Masterclass that is aimed just for Dads.

This is a workshop where fathers get a chance to learn some massage and reflexology techniques that will help not only support their baby but also themselves.

It is designed to give another approach to caring for their little one while gaining quality one to one time and speeding up the bonding process.

This Masterclass is held at the weekend to enable fathers to attend in their free time.

Whilst this is a class for fathers to gain support for their own peers, I do understand that sometimes it's not possible for a baby to be away from their mother. This may be due to feeding or the fact a mum isn't quite ready to be apart from their little one. Mums are more than welcome to come along, and a seperate, adjacent room is made available to them with refreshments. Where possible, I doencourage Dads to have sole charge of their baby and once a little one is fed, they can come back to Dad to be winded and settled.

Levana Baby Bloom

6 Mimosa Close

Titchfield Park



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